Editorial policy


All contributors should be eligible for authorship and the co-authors should decide on the order of the authors together. Authorship credit should only be given to those who have made a significant contribution to the idea and design, the implementation, or the data analysis and interpretation of the research. All authors must have reviewed the submitted version of the manuscript, approved it, and agreed to its submission. They should have contributed to its creation or critically revised it for significant intellectual substance. Any change in authorship after the initial submission, as well as any change in the order of the authors, must be approved in writing by all authors.

Changes to authorship

This refers to the addition, deletion, or re-arrangement of author names in the submitted manuscript. If any changes to the authorship are required during the peer-review process, the corresponding author must submit to the editor. The Change to Authorship Form must be signed by all authors, to indicate their agreement with the addition, removal, or rearrangement of the authors. All requests must include the following information: (a) the justification for the change. The Managing Editor will convey requests to the corresponding author, if not submitted by the corresponding author, who must then follow the steps outlined above. There can be no change in authorship after the acceptance and publication of the manuscript.


Publishing policy


The journal the originality of all submitted publications are checked using the Cross iThenticate Plagiarism detector. This allows us to determine whether a manuscript contains text that has already been published elsewhere. No more than 10% should be duplicated.


Duplicate submissions

The authors must not simultaneously submit the same manuscript, in the same or different language, to more than one journal. The reason for this is the potential for disagreement when two (or more) journals claim the right to publish a manuscript that has been simultaneously submitted to more than one journal, and the possibility that two or more journals will unknowingly and unnecessarily undertake the peer review process, edit the manuscript, and publish this article.


Fees and funding

Immediately after publication, every article published in International Journal of Aging will be made freely and permanently accessible online without any subscription fees or registration requirements. Also, authors of accepted articles are not required to pay an article processing charge (APC).